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online poll中文是什么意思

用"online poll"造句"online poll"怎么读"online poll" in a sentence


  • 线上投票


  • Provides personal profile , news and announcements , and online polls
  • There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people , according to a new online poll
  • Over one million people attended the online poll conducted on sina . com , the web site reported
  • He said egypt ' s pyramids are a " symbol of the genius of the ancient people " - - and are above any sort of online poll
    他说埃及的金字塔是“古代人民的天才的象徵” ,比网络上任何参评的遗迹都要高明。
  • An upgrade of the automated publishing system , providing a new interface with instant online polling , discussion board and q a game
  • Monster runs a series of online polls to gauge users " opinions on a variety of topics relating to careers , the economy and the workplace
  • An upgrade of the automated publishing system , providing a new interface with instant online polling , discussion board and q & a game
  • And visible underwear are the biggest fashion faux pas on the job , according to monster , an online job and recruiting site , which compiled more than 18 , 000 responses to an online poll
  • A new survey showed tank tops and visible underwear are the biggest fashion faux pas on the job , according to monster , an online job and recruiting site , which compiled more than 18 , 000 responses to an online poll
用"online poll"造句  


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